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I'm a fun-sized girl with a big appetite

How I started


Living in the city where delicious food with an affordable price is easy to find was a main reason for me to be a food explorer. Bandung and its delish traditional foods have been well-known to entire people, but in the late 5 years people made a thought that a tasty food must be appear with a good ambience. New chic cafes and restaurants keep on come up to indulge people's appetite. Search engine never satisfy me to inform reviews from many new restaurants around the city. So, why don't I try to be a reviewer?

I started make reviews on tumblr and just got 3 followers who are the closest friends of mine, haha! But the journeys keep on posted even if no one read. Now, hundreds people followed it and the website counter tracks visitors increasing by each day. I love foods as much as I love to write. I made this website just for fun. I'm doing it for free to all of food lovers in this city. 

Lots of love,

Casa Sudarmadjie

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